Certificate EV Charging Station Installer

Design Guidelines For EV Charging Infrastructure

Are you someone who sees future business prospects in the electric vehicles segment? If yes, then, this might be a good news to you.

An area of 3 km could require about 300 charging stations with about 4-5 charging slots. To reach a milestone of meeting the charging requirement of 2,000,000 Electric Cars, around 400,000 nos of Charging stations are required by 2026. Apart from vehicle manufacturers, third party companies are also in the race to announce plans to set up charging infrastructure in the country.

An EV infrastructure plan must consider these different users, as well as how to plan, zone, and legislate for the charging needs of the future. Selecting a site for EVSE installation willlikely require consideration of a combination of factors. While every site is unique and every EVSE host has priorities for installation, common physical elements characterize every EVSE site design. Various sections of the Code set out minimum requirements for the installation of EV charging equipment. Typically, an EV charging space requires more area than a standard parking space. In order to ensure safe and easy movement around the charging station.

The only standards that currently set out specifications for fast charging are CHAdeMO and SAE J1772 Combo. The maximum charging power specified by the CHAdeMO standard is 62 kW (125 A at 500 VDC), while the J1772 Combo standard sets the maximum power at 100 kW (200 A at 500 VDC).

A charging station is usually in the form of a fixture connected directly to an electrical distribution pane. Some have additional features: energy meter, electronic payment system, card-controlled access system, Internet access, etc.

A variety of models designed for different uses are available on the market. When selecting a charging station, While designing your electric vehicle charging stations, ensure they are protected from vehicle collision.

EV Charging Pyramid

This training session presents useful information about the

  •  installation of electric vehicle charging stations with design of Public Charging station combination of Level 2, CCS, CHAdeMO, Level 2 SAE J1772 Combo etc.
  •  Charging Station Site Assessment
  •  Charging Station ROI
  •  State, city wise vendor detail
  •  How to make EV Charging Station Project Proposal
  •  Govt. guide line, How to submit Govt Project Tender
  •  Practical Installation of Charging Station


The Ministry of Power has said that now no separate licence will be required for set up charging infrastructure for electric vehicles under the provision of the Electricity Act 2003, the government is looking to give a further boost to e-vehicles by opening up the playing field to individuals. The person should apply for connectivity and the distribution company is bound to provide connectivity


Even though awareness for electric vehicles has increased multiple times but the skill level and base knowledge required to develop electric vehicles and to understand them is still limited. This creates a gap in demand and supply which is currently filled by buying off the shelf products from limited players in electric component industry.


Academy of EV Technology, A Unit of Global Advanced Training & Educational Trust, Regd. under NCT New Delhi, Govt. of India

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